September 2022

Palmers Farm Fly-in

The Strut fly-in at Palmers Farm was held on a balmy Saturday, 6th August. There was supposed to be a World War II theme, and Leslie had certainly carried that through with the food. However, remember that bit in Bridget Jones Diary where she turns up for a party dressed as Bunny Girl, with no one else in costume? Well I made an effort with what I though was a natty 1940/50’s sports jacket and bags. Hey ho… Tony at least was excused due to his broken foot. To be fair there were a couple of others too.

Here is a gallery of pictures I managed to take. Click on a picture to see a larger version. If you’d like a full resolution version of any of the pictures, just get in touch: Richard (Ed)

In all a very successful and fun event. Many thanks to Tony and Leslie for hosting it.

Richard Griffiths

Eastbourne Air-show

After the sad demise of the annual Shoreham air-show, the Eastbourn Airborn week (18 – 21 August) is the only fast jet air-show that we will get in Sussex, and it deserves our support. I went on the Friday and sat on top of Beachy Head. It certainly gives an unusual perspective on the action as aircraft fly below you. Here are some, not specially great pictures; I need a much bigger telephoto lens really, but I hope they give an impression. Click on an individual picture to see a bigger version.

Cornwall Aviation Heritage Centre threatened with closure

In what on the face of it seems an incredibly short sighted move, Cornwall Council is intending to evict the Cornwall Aviation Heritage Centre from their site without viable alternatives being offered. If you’d like to express opposition to this decision, there is a petition you can sign: save-cornwall-aviation-heritage-centre

And a little puzzle to round off

This came up on my Twitter feed: name this aircraft. I feel confident at least one person will know what it is.


  • Strut Club Night this month: Wednesday 7th September, 7:30 pm at The Swiss Cottage, Beer ‘n Chat

For the latest list of events, go to the Events page on the Strut website.